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A: That’s a very interesting point in single length set fitting. Think about it this way, using the following example. Let’s say you have two golfers and after a fitting analysis for a conventional set of irons, it is determined that Golfer A needs his lengths to be +1” over standard, while Golfer B is best fit into a standard length set.
That means the 5 iron in Golfer A’s set would be 39”while the 5 iron in Golfer B’s set would be 38”.But let’s say that both Golfers become aware of the Single Length concept and express an interest to be fit into such a set. And let’s also say that the Single Length set both see is offered in a “standard” single length of37”.Does Golfer A need his Single Length set to be 38” since he was advised to use a +1” over standard length in his conventional set of irons? Probably not, and here’s why.
In Golfer A’s conventional set of irons, 37” is the length of his +1” over length #9 iron. While in Golfer B’s conventional iron set, 37” is the length of his standard length #7 iron. Thus it could be said that the 37” single length would be a proper fit for either golfer, even though in a conventional set Golfer A measured to need +1” longer than standard. Interesting, eh?
In the end, there may be an occasional situation in which a golfer who needs a longer length in a conventional iron set may need the length of a Single Length set to be a bit longer than the length range the set was designed to follow. However, we do urge clubmakers to try to keep all golfers within this range between 36.5 and 37 inches for purposes of more successfully fitting the golfer to a suitable total weight + head weight feel in the clubs.
But in the end, if the golfer has a specific preference for a certain single length for his irons, comfort does rule. We do not recommend the irons be built to a length greater than 38” if possible.
A: Every one of the key fitting specifications in any set of irons, that’s what–the lofts, lies, shaft flex, shaft bend profile, shaft weight, total weight, head weight feel (swing weight or MOI), grip style and grip size. Not only that, but it is possible that some golfers could be more comfortable with a slightly different single length than other golfers.
In short, even though the lengths of each iron will be the same, what that length should be as well as each one of the other key fitting specifications should be custom fit and custom built for each golfer. Single length does NOT mean “one size fits all” in the manner of the way big golf companies sell their clubs in standard form, off the rack.
Single length sets still need to be properly custom fit to each golfer based on their size, strength, athletic ability and swing characteristics for the best single length and lie along with the right shaft weight, shaft flex, shaft bend profile, swing weight/MOI, set makeup and grip size/style.
A: We here at Wishon Golf feel the major changes we have made in the latest single length design of the new EQ1-NX irons, coupled with our depth of understanding of the concepts of proper fitting of Single Length sets, make it a possibility for a very high percentage of golfers to gain a significant improvement in swing and shot consistency.
We know from 6 years of single length iron development that the Wishon Golf EQ1-NX Single Length irons have all the requirements to deliver a seamless transition for shot distance with each club compared to a conventional set, while at the same time offering the main benefit of the Single Length concept of identical swing motion and feel for every club.
A: Here’s a little fact of life the golf industry never talks about when the subject of custom club fitting comes up. There are no established standards within the golf equipment industry for shaft flex. The R flex from one company may have the same stiffness as the S flex from another company, or the A flex from yet another company.
The result is a lot of golfers walk away from their club buying experience without the right fit for the shafts in their new clubs. Accurate shaft fitting has to consist of four important steps: Measure the driver and middle-iron (#5, 6, or 7-iron) swing speeds of the golfer. The golfer’s swing speed measurements must then be compared not to letter codes for flexes, but to a technically accurate list of swing speed ratings of many different shafts.
Fit the weight of the shaft to the physical strength and aggressiveness of the golfer’s downswing move at the ball. Physically strong golfer + aggressive downswing transition + fast downswing tempo = heaver shaft weight (>85g woods, >115g irons).Less strong golfer + more passive downswing transition force and smooth tempo = very light shaft weight (<65g woods, <65-75girons).
In between these extremes for the golfer strength and downswing tempo = medium shaft weight (70–80g woods, 75–85g irons).Adjust the swing speed rating of the shaft to be chosen for the golfer to the intensity of the golfer’s downswing transition move. Very aggressive transition move to start the downswing = choose a shaft with a swing speed rating slightly higher than the golfer’s actual swing speed measurement.
Very smooth and easy transition to the downswing = a shaft with a swing speed rating slightly lower than the golfer’s swing speed. Average transition force and tempo = choose a shaft with a swing speed rating in which the golfer’s actual swing speed is in the middle of the range. Choose the shaft’s Bend Profile Design (distribution of stiffness over the length of the shaft) to match the golfer’s unhinging of the wrist-cock angle on the downswing, also called the release.
The bend profile of a shaft is how its stiffness can be distributed over the length of the shaft. For golfers with a late release, shafts with a tip firm bend profile (the tip end is the smaller end of the shaft) are a better fit. Golfers who release the wrist cock angle early in the downswing need shafts with more flexibility in the tip design. In between with a midway release means a tip medium bend profile.
One last point to guide your shaft fitting; the higher the clubhead speed, the later the wrist cock release and more aggressive the downswing, the more the shaft becomes a vital component of performance in the club. The slower the swing speed, the earlier the release and less aggressive the swing tempo, the weight of the shaft becomes far more important for the golfer than the stiffness design of the shaft for contributing to shot performance. The only way for all golfers to find the best shaft for their swing is through professional custom club fitting